Shortcut (MoBadr) Mac OS

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There's another way to type accents on the Mac and some people find it much easier. Simply press and hold the letter you want to accent and a pop-over menu will appear showing the options. A clear list of over 200 Excel shortcuts for both Windows and Mac, side-by-side. Windows shortcuts in dark gray on the left, Mac shortcuts in white on the right. Create Desktop Shortcuts on Mac Using Drag and Drop The above method is swift and simple. It is the one I prefer. However, there is an additional way to create folder and app shortcuts on Mac. Amaya defines two kinds of keyboard shortcuts for Mac OS X: shortcuts using standard Apple modifier keys (ex. Cmd+C to copy the selection) and shortcuts using sequences (ex. Ctrl-t Ctrl-t to create a table). As Mac OS X users are not familiar with shortcut sequences in menu entries, only standard shortcuts are shown by default. In order for you to get familiar with the Apple keyboard shortcuts, you first need to know about the mac keyboard symbols aka modifier keys. Almost all the quick shortcuts on Mac include one.

Amaya keyboard shortcuts for Mac OSX

Amaya defines two kinds of keyboard shortcuts for Mac OS X: shortcuts usingstandard Apple modifier keys (ex. Cmd+C to copy the selection) and shortcutsusing sequences (ex. Ctrl-t Ctrl-t to create a table). As Mac OS X users arenot familiar with shortcut sequences in menu entries, only standard shortcutsare shown by default. To display them, you have to select the optionDisplay all shortcuts in thePreferences > General dialog and restart Amaya.

Standard Shortcuts

Go To homeAlt Home
Start of pageCmd Home
End of pageCmd End
Start of lineHome
End of lineEnd
Scroll downCmd Down Arrow
Scroll upCmd Up Arrow
File menu
Open documentCmd O
ReloadCmd R
BackAlt Left Arrow
ForwardAlt Right Arrow
SaveCmd S
Save asCmd Shift S
SynchronizeCmd Y
Setup and printCmd P
PrintCmd Shift P
Close tabCmd W
Close windowCmd Shift W
Edit menu
UndoCmd Z
RedoCmd Shift Z
CutCmd X
CopyCmd C
PasteCmd V
FindCmd F
Nest list itemsTab
Move up list itemsShift Tab
Structure navigation
Parent elementF2 (or Fn F2)
First childShift F2 (or Shift Fn F2)
Next elementF4 (or Fn F4)
Previous elementShift F4 (or Shift Fn F4)
Views menu
Show toolsF8
Zoom inCmd +
Zoom outCmd -
Show map areasShift Cmd M
Show targetsShift Cmd G
Show structureShift Cmd R
Show sourceShift Cmd U
Show linksShift Cmd L
Show alternateShift Cmd A
Show table of contentsShift Cmd T
Split view horizontallyShift Cmd H
Split view verticallyShift Cmd V
Insert menu
ParagraphCmd Shift Return
BreakCmd Return
Tools menu
Check spellingCmd :

Shortcut using sequences

Insert menu
Map AreaCtrl h Ctrl m
PreformattedCtrl h Ctrl p
AddressCtrl h Ctrl a
Horizontal RuleCtrl h Ctrl h
ImageCtrl h Ctrl i
DivisionCtrl h Ctrl v
BlockquoteCtrl h Ctrl q
RubyCtrl h Ctrl r
CommentCtrl h Ctrl c
Heading menu
Heading 1Ctrl h Ctrl 1
Heading 2Ctrl h Ctrl 2
Heading 3Ctrl h Ctrl 3
Heading 4Ctrl h Ctrl 4
Heading 5Ctrl h Ctrl 5
Heading 6Ctrl h Ctrl 6
List menu
Bulleted ListCtrl h Ctrl l
Numbered ListCtrl h Ctrl n
Definition ListCtrl h Ctrl d
Form menu
Insert a FormCtrl o Ctrl f
ButtonCtrl o Ctrl b
CheckboxCtrl o Ctrl t
File SelectorCtrl o Ctrl u
HiddenCtrl o Ctrl h
ImageCtrl o Ctrl m
PasswordCtrl o Ctrl p
RadioCtrl o Ctrl r
ResetCtrl o Ctrl x
SubmitCtrl o Ctrl s
TextCtrl o Ctrl i
FieldsetCtrl o Ctrl c
LabelCtrl o Ctrl l
MenuCtrl o Ctrl n
SubmenuCtrl o Ctrl g
TextareaCtrl o Ctrl a
Object menu
ObjectCtrl h Ctrl o
ParameterCtrl h Ctrl w
Table and Edit table menus
TableCtrl t Ctrl t
CaptionCtrl t Ctrl l
Change to Data cellCtrl t Ctrl d
Change to Heading cellCtrl t Ctrl h
Join with the cell at the rightCtrl t Ctrl e
Join with the cell belowCtrl t Ctrl j
Shrink horizontal extendCtrl t Ctrl s
Shrink vertical extendCtrl t Ctrl m
Select the rowCtrl t Ctrl r
Insert a rowCtrl t Ctrl i
Append a rowCtrl t Ctrl n
Select the columnCtrl t Ctrl c
Insert a columnCtrl t Ctrl b
Append a columnCtrl t Ctrl a
Paste beforeCtrl t Ctrl p
Paste afterCtrl t Ctrl v
Information Type menu
EmphasisCtrl i Ctrl e
StrongCtrl i Ctrl s
CiteCtrl i Ctrl w
DefinitionCtrl i Ctrl x
CodeCtrl i Ctrl t
VariableCtrl i Ctrl v
SampleCtrl i Ctrl m
KeyboardCtrl i Ctrl k
AbbreviationCtrl i Ctrl u
AcronymCtrl i Ctrl y
InsertionCtrl i Ctrl i
DeletionCtrl i Ctrl d
Character element menu
QuotationCtrl i Ctrl q
BiDi overrideCtrl i Ctrl z
Math menu
Insert a formulaCtrl m Ctrl m
New matrixCtrl m Ctrl h
Plain textCtrl m Ctrl x
IdentifierCtrl m Ctrl d
NumberCtrl m Ctrl n
OperatorCtrl m Ctrl g
SpaceCtrl m Ctrl Space
CharacterCtrl m Ctrl e
InvisibleTimesCtrl m Ctrl i
ApplyFunctionCtrl m Ctrl a
RootCtrl m Ctrl r
Square rootCtrl m Ctrl q
EncloseCtrl m Ctrl c
FractionCtrl m Ctrl f
Subscript and SuperscriptCtrl m Ctrl b
SubscriptCtrl m Ctrl v
SuperscriptCtrl m Ctrl 6
Under and OverCtrl m Ctrl k
UnderCtrl m Ctrl u
OverCtrl m Ctrl o
ParenthesesCtrl m Ctrl p
MultiscriptsCtrl m Ctrl s
Palette math
Structure rowCtrl m Ctrl l
PiecewiseCtrl m Ctrl j
MatrixCtrl m Ctrl t
FactorialCtrl m Ctrl !
Universal quantifierCtrl M Ctrl A
ComplexesCtrl M Ctrl C
DifferentialCtrl M Ctrl D
Partial differentialCtrl M Ctrl d
There existsCtrl M Ctrl E
ArrowCtrl M Ctrl F
Arrow with baseCtrl M Ctrl f
Greater than or equalCtrl M Ctrl G
IntegralCtrl M Ctrl I
Special integralCtrl M Ctrl i
ImplyCtrl M Ctrl J
Equivalent toCtrl M Ctrl j
Less or equalCtrl M Ctrl L
ApplicationCtrl M Ctrl M
NaturalsCtrl M Ctrl N
NegationCtrl M Ctrl n
Product from ... to ...Ctrl M Ctrl P
ProductCtrl M Ctrl p
RationnalsCtrl M Ctrl Q
RealsCtrl M Ctrl R
Sum from ... to ...Ctrl M Ctrl S
SumCtrl M Ctrl s
Tend to ...Ctrl M Ctrl T
Tend to ... when ... tend to ...Ctrl M Ctrl t
UnionCtrl M Ctrl U
Column vectorCtrl M Ctrl V
Line vectorCtrl M Ctrl v
Is inCtrl M Ctrl Y
IncludesCtrl M Ctrl y
Relative numbersCtrl M Ctrl Z
Alphabet grec
alpha : α, ΑCtrl g Ctrl a / Ctrl G Ctrl A
beta : β, ΒCtrl g Ctrl b / Ctrl G Ctrl B
gamma : γ, ΓCtrl g Ctrl c / Ctrl G Ctrl C
delta : δ, ΔCtrl g Ctrl d / Ctrl G Ctrl D
epsilon : ε, ΕCtrl g Ctrl e / Ctrl G Ctrl E
zeta : ζ, ΖCtrl g Ctrl z / Ctrl G Ctrl Z
eta : η, ΗCtrl g Ctrl h / Ctrl G Ctrl H
theta : θ, ΘCtrl g Ctrl j / Ctrl G Ctrl J
iota : ι, ΙCtrl g Ctrl i / Ctrl G Ctrl I
kappa : κ, ΚCtrl g Ctrl k / Ctrl G Ctrl K
lambda : λ, ΛCtrl g Ctrl l / Ctrl G Ctrl L
mu : μ, ΜCtrl g Ctrl m / Ctrl G Ctrl M
nu : ν, ΝCtrl g Ctrl n / Ctrl G Ctrl N
xi : ξ, ΞCtrl g Ctrl q / Ctrl G Ctrl Q
omicron : ο, ΟCtrl g Ctrl o / Ctrl G Ctrl O
pi : π, ΠCtrl g Ctrl p / Ctrl G Ctrl P
rho : ρ, ΡCtrl g Ctrl r / Ctrl G Ctrl R
sigma : σ, ΣCtrl g Ctrl s / Ctrl G Ctrl S
tau : τ, ΤCtrl g Ctrl t / Ctrl G Ctrl T
upsilon : υ, ΥCtrl g Ctrl u / Ctrl G Ctrl U
phi : φ, ΦCtrl g Ctrl f / Ctrl G Ctrl F
chi : χ, ΧCtrl g Ctrl x / Ctrl G Ctrl X
psi : ψ, ΨCtrl g Ctrl y / Ctrl G Ctrl Y
omega : ω, ΩCtrl g Ctrl w / Ctrl G Ctrl W
Links menu
Copy locationCtrl l Ctrl c
Link to previous targetCtrl l Ctrl p
Create or change linkCtrl l Ctrl l
Create targetCtrl l Ctrl t
Delete anchorCtrl l Ctrl d
Format menu
Create ruleCtrl i Ctrl c
Show applied styleCtrl i Ctrl g
LinkCtrl i Ctrl l
OpenCtrl i Ctrl o
RemoveCtrl i Ctrl r
Tools menu
TransformCtrl t Ctrl x
Change titleCtrl h Ctrl t
Generate table of contentsCtrl h Ctrl g
Graphics menu
Show the graphic libraryCtrl l Ctrl s
Add the selected graphics in the libraryCtrl l Ctrl f

Have you ever needed, or just wanted, to make a shortcut icon on the the desktop in Mac OS X? Honestly it's relatively trivial to do but the result isn't always what people expect. My goal is to demonstrate how to create a web page shortcut that is easily identifiable. This is something handy for teachers who want to make it easier for their students to access specific websites, or a business that wants to publish an icon for their customer login page.

Step 1. Launched Safari and navigate to the page you would like to bookmark on the desktop. In figure 1 I have opened

Step 2. Drag the URL, usually by grabbing the FavIcon, to the desktop. Refer to figure 2 for details.

Step 3. You'll notice a new @ HTTP icon on your desktop similar to Figure 3 with the title of the link you dragged. More than likely you would like to change this to something a little more meaningful, since all of the shortcuts to web links you create will have this same icon.

Step 4. To change the icon to something a bit more meaningful open the info page for the item by either selecting the item and hitting COMMAND-I or right click (hold the control key while clicking) on the item to display the context menu as demonstrated in Figure 4.

Shortcut (mobadr) mac os catalina

Step 5. Once the info page is open return to the web page you created the shortcut for and select something that makes it easily identified and screen capture is with COMMAND-CONTROL-SHIFT-4 (don't worry it does take 2 hands). You'll be able to select a portion of the page in Figure 5 I have selected only the company logo.

Step 6. This image will be copied into the system buffer and you need to return to the item's info page and click on the mini icon in the upper left corner which will highlight in blue. Simply hit COMMAND-v to paste the image from step 5. Figures 6 and 7 display the before and after effect of this operation.

Shortcut (MoBadr) Mac OS

Step 5. Once the info page is open return to the web page you created the shortcut for and select something that makes it easily identified and screen capture is with COMMAND-CONTROL-SHIFT-4 (don't worry it does take 2 hands). You'll be able to select a portion of the page in Figure 5 I have selected only the company logo.

Step 6. This image will be copied into the system buffer and you need to return to the item's info page and click on the mini icon in the upper left corner which will highlight in blue. Simply hit COMMAND-v to paste the image from step 5. Figures 6 and 7 display the before and after effect of this operation.

Shortcut (mobadr) Mac Os Catalina



Step 7. Finally examine the icon on the desktop. It should look something like Figure 8, which you can now drag to your dock bar.

Shortcut (mobadr) Mac Os Download

Regardless of your reasons for creating a web page shortcut I am certain that after reading this you agree that it is extremely easy to do in Mac OS X. I hope that you have enjoyed this tutorial and will leave a kind comment as well as support our sponsors. Remember clicking on an add helps us keep the lights on so that we can bring you more of this high quality programming.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Mikel King ( has been a leader in the Information Technology Services field for over 20 years. He is currently the CEO of Olivent Technologies, a professional creative services partnership in NY. Additionally he is currently serving as the Secretary of the BSD Certification group as well as a Senior Editor for BSD News.

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